Publish journals with OJS

Editorial boards can get assistance with OJS

The Library assists journal editorial boards affiliated to the University of Gothenburg with publishing online through the system Open Journal Systems (OJS). OJS is developed by the Public Knowledge Project and used globally by a significant number of journals.

OJS features

OJS presents the journal to the readers on the web and assists in the editorial process.

Some features in OJS:

  • Provides a website for the journal
  • Article submission for authors via the journal's website
  • Management of the review process
  • Facilitates archiving
  • Management of subscriptions
  • Supports most formats of articles and abstracts

More information about OJS from the Public Knowledge Project

How the Library can help

The Library can assist you with setting up the journal's website with a tailored layout. The Library can also assist you with:

  • Getting a custom URL for the journal
  • OJS training for editors
  • Support when using OJS
  • Server and back-up management

Journals using OJS

Contact us

Contact us if you have any queries about using OJS.

  • Telephone: 031 786 66 71

    Describe your question